Apr 24, 2024
We’ve made some changes to the way you enter calendar events, hopefully this will simplify the process. The main changes are around the specification of additional dates and times for an event, ie an event that spans multiple days, or is a part day event.
A simple one-day event
By default the date you click on will generate a single one-day event for this date. Without selecting any of the additional options the event will take place across this date.
A multi-day event
Click the “Multi-day” radio button. An end date field will appear – click this and select from the calendar the end date for this event. This option will rule out any use of periods or times,
Create an event using periods
Click on the “Select periods” radio button. A series of checkboxes will appear, one for each teaching period. Check the period boxes that span your event. This option will ignore any multi-day or time based entries.
Create an event using times
Click on the “Select times” radio button. Two time fields will appear for a start time and an end time. Enter both the start and end time. This option will ignore any multi-day or selected period entries.
Other notes
If you are using periods we store actual times in the database. So if your timetable periods change times, they will no longer match the times on the events – the event will revert to a “Select times” type booking.
If you use the “Select times” and the times match the start and end of periods then the event will automatically become a “Select periods” type of booking.
When using a multi-day booking, you can not specify start and end times – they are considered full day bookings.