Oct 11, 2019
Every three years we replace our servers and upgrade to the latest stable software versions.
We will provide regular updates, although I doubt there will be too many people following along. It’s also a good documentation process for us.
8:17pm We have just taken the SOBS websites offline for maintenance. The job of migrating the data will now begin.
10:30pm The data has now migrated. The accounts application part of SOBS is not compatible with PHP 7.3, we’re looking for an upgrade option.
12:14am SOBS is online but I’m getting a number of warning messages in the logs. This is probably related to PHP 7.3 because it is appearing on one of my older libraries.
12:46am We’ve managed to patch the library so the warning has gone away. We have started an upgrade to the accounts application part of SOBS, however it’s not upgrading correctly so we will need to continue this with some additional support, hopefully tomorrow. Probably best to get some sleep now.
Saturday 12-10-2019: A couple of issues arose today. SAML is not currently working. The latest version of PHP is causing an issue with the SAML library. I am working to install a later version of the SAML library that is compatible, hopefully this will be resolved soon.
There have been some other minor issues with the latest version of PHP, not that PHP is wrong, it’s just some of our code is now nearly 12 years old and needs to be updated.
Sunday 13-10-2019: We have also had issues upgrading our accounts package. This means automated invoicing is not currently happening (but will happen once the upgrade is operating). It also means CC payments is offline until this is resolved.
The problems with the SAML upgrade are now resolved.